Network Basics (2 points)
Go to the site Select and list two projects describing a network. Answer the following about them (this may require going into the source webpage for the project, linked to from the visualcomplexity site).
Complete 2.12.3: Graph Representation (3 points)
The adjacency matrix is a useful graph representation for many analytical calculations. However, when we need to store a network in a computer, we can save computer memory by offering the list of links in a Lx2 matrix, whose rows contain the starting and end point i and j of each link. Construct for the networks (a -left one) and (b -right one) in :
(a): The corresponding adjacency matrices.
(b): The corresponding link lists.
(c): Determine the average clustering coefficient of the network shown in (a)
Bipartite Graphs (5 points)
Submission of your homework is via WebCampus. You must submit all the required files in a single pdf document containing all the answers.